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信 xin

Home Pinyin xin

不信 bùxìn unbeliever

诚信 chéngxìn creditability; trustworthiness

电信 diànxìn telecommunication; telecommunications

回信 huíxìn reply

坚信 jiānxìn firmly believe

可信 kě xìn believable; trustworthy

迷信 míxìn superstition; superstitions

明信片 míngxìnpiàn postcard

难以置信 nányǐ zhìxìn incredible

亲信 qīnxìn cronies; proteges

轻信 qīngxìn credulous; gullibility

确信 quèxìn confident

深信 shēnxìn convinced

失信 shīxìn lost letter

书信 shūxìn correspondences; epistle; epistles; epistolary; missive

通信 tōngxìn communicates; communication

威信 wēixìn prestige

相信 xiāngxìn believe; believed; believes; believing; convinced

写信 xiě xìn write a letter

信标 xìnbiāo beacons

信不信 xìn bùxìn believe it or not

信贷 xìndài credit

信访 xìnfǎng letter and visit

信封 xìnfēng envelop; envelope; envelopes

信奉 xìnfèng espoused; espousing

信号 xìnhào signal; signals

信笺 xìnjiān letterhead

信件 xìnjiàn correspondence; letters

信赖 xìnlài confide; reliance; trust; trustfulness

信令 xìnlìng signalling

信念 xìnniàn belief; beliefs; convictions

信任 xìnrèn credence; trust

信实 xìnshí faithful

信使 xìnshǐ courier; messenger

信誓旦旦 xìnshìdàndàn vowed

信条 xìntiáo credo; creed; tenet

信徒 xìntú adherent; believer; believers; follower

信微博 xìn wēi bó letter microblogging

信息 xìnxī informatics; information; informational; informative; message

信息化 xìnxī huà informatization

信息量 xìnxī liàng amount of information

信箱 xìnxiāng mailbox

信心 xìnxīn confidence; confident

信仰 xìnyǎng belief; faith; faiths; godliness

信义 xìnyì xinyi

信用 xìnyòng credit

信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ credit card

信誉 xìnyù creditworthiness; reputable; reputation

信纸 xìnzhǐ notepaper

易信 yìxìn credulity

有信心 yǒu xìnxīn have confidence

有自信 yǒu zìxìn have confidence

自信 zìxìn assertive; assertiveness; confidence; confidently; self-assurance; self-assured; self-confidence; self-confident

自信心 zìxìn xīn self confidence

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce